Head of Institute: Zsuzsanna Pörczi PhD, associate professor
The complex theoretical and practical knowledge, the majors teaching them cover a wide range of the objects of the human environment taught by the Design and Art Theory Institute . In our education we put a great emphasis on the professional knowledge, creativity and innovative thinking. The modern visual and material environment and its up-to-date development makes it possible that our students find the exact answers to the challenges of the 21st century societies.
In the framework of the cooperation of the majors the students in the theoretical majors can become familiar with the process of creating objects, which helps put the artefacts into context.
Our MA programme provides the students with the opportunity to further deepen their aims and fulfil even more potentials with the suitable professional and material background.
Interni Budapest, Eventuell Gallery, Designtrend Kiadó, Madeinhungary+MED exhibition, Kassák Museum, OFF Biennále, Hungarian National Gallery, Open Society Institute (Verzio film festival)